Publish Date: 2007
Author: Patrick Rothfuss
I know what you’re thinking…
“Whaaat? A fantasy book?”
Well people…weird covers a wide range of genres. (‘Nuff said.)
So let’s get to business. First of all, you’ll notice I gave this book five stars, which means you should just go ahead and read it. (Here’s a link to buy it on Amazon.)
The hero’s name is Kvothe, a red-headed troubadour with a legendary past. Once a great fighter and arcanist, Kvothe now goes by “Kote” and manages the inn of a small town. He’s all washed up (or is he?), but when a traveling writer uncovers Kvothe’s true identity, the innkeeper agrees to share his story.
What unfolds is a tale of loss, revenge, heartache and triumph. Never before has 800 pages gone so fast. In fact, I was so ravenous for more that I jumped straight from “The Name of the Wind” to the second book of the series: “The Wise Man’s Fear.”
I’m tempted to write a long review, to gush about this book in more detail, but I think I’ll stick to a more succinct recommendation. “The Name of the Wind” reignited my love for the written word, reminding me why I love stories.